Chanakya IAS Academy

Thursday 22 December 2016

UPSC Pre-special Batch for ‘SUPER 50’

Chanakya IAS Academy with its commitment to offer world-class education and guidance to Civil Services aspirants is going to start a UPSC Pre-Special Batch for “Super 50” at Jaipur branch for the aspirants eying at Civil Services 2017. The batch will start on 5th January 2017 with a free demo session. The idea is to commence a batch for 50 students who will get quality coaching by seasoned experts at Chanakya IAS Academy. The Pre-special batch is remarkably different from the existing Prelims courses and will provide students topic wise briefing of the syllabus followed with extensive discussions on the current UPSC examination pattern.

The Academy will also provide Test Series based on the current trend of UPSC along with an analysis of each question by the experts to help students examine their weaknesses & strengths, and work upon them to ensure success in Civil Services Prelims 2017 exam.

A team of dynamic individuals and experienced experts having a complete understanding of the application aspect of UPSC will thoroughly cover the entire syllabus with an emphasis on facts, concepts and current affairs which are extremely important in Civil Services Prelims examination. The faculty members at the Academy are extremely supportive and possess effective teaching skills with powerful delivery in both English and Hindi mediums.

The Academy will also organize special classes for students by Success Guru AK Mishra and the successful candidates of Chanakya IAS Academy to help students ward off their doubts and to keep students motivated throughout their preparation journey.

For more information, call Chanakya IAS Academy @ 8882120000

Thursday 15 December 2016

What do you understand by Disaster Management?

Ques. What do you understand by disaster management? In the light of the recent cyclone vardah, critically examine the disaster management methods in the country.

Ans. According to the UN, ‘Disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impact, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.’
There are three phases of disaster management:
  1. Before the disaster: It is the period of preparedness before the actual disaster has taken place. It involves early warning signals, how to prepare for the disaster, effective infrastructure, etc.
  1. During the disaster: This phase is the most crucial one, which involves saving the lives of the affected people. Evacuation, rescue, provision of basic needs like food, water, shelter, etc. are the activities involved in this phase. It also requires capacity building for taking care of these activities during the disaster.
  1. Post-disaster: It involves rehabilitation and resettlement of the affected individuals. It also involves rebuilding of the damaged infrastructure.
Some of the methods to deal with disaster management are discussed below:
  • Proper planning for risk reduction.
  • Adopting new and innovative technologies for risk reduction.
  • Installing of early warning systems.
  • Early evacuation and rescue.
  • Capacity building by deploying the locals as they have good knowledge about the local terrain.
  • Coordinating the roles of community and voluntary organizations, local bodies and governmental agencies.
  • Awareness generation, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Planned recovery.
  • Rehabilitation with more sustainable livelihoods.
  • Special social programmes for mitigating the impact of disasters.
  • Use of indigenous coping mechanisms.
  • Mobilization of necessary emergency services in the disaster prone areas.

In India, the community is especially the first responder in any disaster. Apart from that, there is integrated administrative machinery for disaster management at the national, state, district and sub-district level. The National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) 2005, is the legal framework for monitoring the implementation of disaster management plans in the country. The two main institutions to deal with disaster management are the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM).
With the proper implementation of plans and use of effective and innovative technologies, the effects of disasters can be curbed to a large extent.

Friday 9 December 2016

Qualities you must possess before you start preparing for UPSC examination

Civil Services Examination is one of the most competitive and prestigious examinations in the country. Since it is a competitive examination, it means that you have to beat a lot of candidates in order to secure a rank. Therefore the real challenge is that you have to take yourself to such a standard that the demands of this examination can be fulfilled.

Chanakya IAS AcademyChanakya IAS Academy

Whether the examination is tough or easy has got no answer. But the only answer to this question is that it is possible to qualify this examination by applying the correct logics and tactics. Chanakya IAS Academy provides a complete solution to the students preparing for this examination. The Academy imparts comprehensive training-cum-guidance program, which covers all the stages of this examination.

Let us discuss some of the important qualities that a candidate must have in order to clear this examination.
  • Patience: the first and foremost quality that one should have is patience. More than knowledge or self-confidence, or any other quality, patience matters the most. No one knows when he or she will qualify the exam or when is his or her right time. So one needs to keep patience. It is not an exam that can be qualified in a hurry. It will only be qualified the day you become eligible for it completely.
  • Self-confidence: Since the preparation time is very long, you have to keep yourself motivated. Every student has to face the same conditions. Therefore it is very important that you keep your self-confidence intact and keep studying.
  • Hard work: well, hard work is essential. Know one thing that, if you are searching for some shortcut in this examination, the search is futile. It is so because there is no shortcut in this examination. It demands excellence. Therefore, you have to be excellent in order to get through this examination.
  • Smart work: planning and discipline are very important during the preparation. Since there is so much to study, therefore proper planning and proper revision are extremely important. Go ahead, shed all laziness and start once again with full-fledged confidence and discipline.
Time should not be a factor in this examination. Many students complain that it is such a long process and it takes so many years. But it does not matter because, once you qualify the examination, the time that you have spent will pay you back. Remember that hard work always pays. And there is no shortcut to it. You have to give your 100% in this examination. It might take time, but it is better to give your full efforts in the first attempt itself

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Paper Analysis for Essay paper (Civil Services Mains 2016)

  1. Gender issues have always been an important component of essay paper. UPSC has maintained the same trend of asking question on this issue. Lot of media discourse these days are linking development with women empowerment, hence question on this theme was expected. Theme gave sociology (optional paper) an advantage. Beyond other languages, aspirants with Hindi language are at an advantage in such questions, as more elaborated explanation is given in Hindi beyond jargonized “English” statements.
  2. Unlike previous questions, candidates trying to comprehend question only in “Hindi” are at disadvantage, because basically this is an English quotation and hence interpretation of quotation in Hindi is difficult. Last year aspirants were forced to write a compulsory essay on philosophy, but this year only this theme is solely philosophy based, so aspirants speculating too much about the nature of essays are at clear disadvantage.
  3. Earlier such direct general studies type essays were asked a lot. So UPSC has reintroduced an old trend. People not revising Laxmikanth for Mains (General Studies paper 2) would have heavily suffered.
  4. UPSC has every year asked essay on “linking sociology with economics”. The topic was heavily expected as current government has focused on innovation as an important component of its strategy in every government scheme related with socio-economic spheres.
  5. The essay was expected last year as well. UPSC in the essay, as well as other papers of Mains (Even prelims), is asking questions from current affairs themes which have originated beyond last 12 months. Candidates who chose public administration as optional subject (Partly political science as well) need to remember that overdose of optional knowledge at times is also counterproductive in essays.
  6. Every year science and technology theme is coming up. The Internet this time has secured lot of media eyeballs. UPSC is looking for the candidates who have an understanding of modern education, hence science and technology become an important component every year in essay paper. UPSC always asks about futuristic repercussions of simple debatable themes like internet. 
  7. Non employment growth is a major theme in Indian economics for the last decade. The theme was highly predicted as 25 years of LPG reforms have finished. Again a theme where pure economics is linked to social sector (i.e., jobs)
  8. Most expected question for this year. People having knowledge of current affairs would have easily attempted this question. When the whole nation is debating on a theme it becomes important for UPSC to check whether an aspirant has required inquisitiveness about burning current affairs themes.

Overall Analysis

  1. Every year UPSC is giving questions to check the core ethical values of civil servants (Example question number 2).
  2. Our country is moving towards ‘pro-growth’ economy, hence maximum emphasis will always be on current affairs based economics. The Same trend will be seen in years to come (Example question number 4, 7 and 8).
  3. Basically, UPSC needs candidates having views on burning socio-economic themes.
  4. Distribution of topics across optional was good, though a clear and expected favor towards Sociology and Economics was present (for right reasons as well, as an administrator has the foremost duty of socio-economic welfare).
  5. 2 Essays format in 1000-1200 words is here to stay, where all four topics for current affairs would be from current affairs.

Friday 2 December 2016

Last minute tips for Civil Services Mains Examination

Mains exam is just a day away; numerous questions must be flaring up in aspirants’ mind related to the formulation of best possible strategy to successfully get through UPSC Mains Examination.
Here are some guidelines which will help the aspirants to perform better in the examination:

Keep your mind peaceful
First of all, make sure you have a good sleep day before the examination. Eliminate all the fears that are disturbing your mind and try to keep your mind as much peaceful and positive as you can.

Make sure you revise all the important topics, facts & figures, concepts and current affairs during your last minute preparation. Devote all time in revision and do not try to touch any new topic at last minute. In case you find some area that has not been prepared well, don’t panic. Stick to whatever you have studied till now and revise that well.

Practice writing
Try to write a few questions to check your speed and clarity. Practice makes a man perfect, and you really need that perfection at the examination hall. Many times, while writing, we recall numerous important points we have studied earlier, so it will make your revision even deeper and better. Moreover, writing answers to the previous question papers will also boost your confidence level and enhance your thinking capacity.

Find some time to ease out
Apart from having good sleep, try to keep yourself relaxed. Try to meditate for a while. You can either re-memorize the important topic while meditating, or can silently meditate; whatever your mind feels comfortable in. Breathe deeply, let go of all the negative or fearful thoughts and allow your mind to be calm, peaceful and relaxed.

Talk to a friend who is also going to appear for Civil Services Mains Examination
Talk to a friend, and discuss the points. Sometimes, your mind catches up something important which gets stored in your subconscious mind. Your friend might tell something very important during the conversation which may click to you while writing in the examination.

Go through the economic survey 2015-16
Run through or revise the Economic survey 2015-16. It will help you get good fix on ideas and concepts related to rate of unemployment, GDP growth rate and basic stats from agriculture etc. This knowledge will help you in GS paper 3.

Lastly, do not panic, be confident and use your own strategy to write the examination. Well formulated strategy and optimum time management are the two basics to achieve your dream goal. It is very important to formulate your own strategy based on your strengths and weaknesses while appearing for Civil Services Mains examination.